Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Problem Solution Claim

Around the world, farmers are finding new ways to plant and innovate the agriculture industry. Today the Monsanto Company has created the "new toy" of such state of the art farming techniques; the most profitable farming product of the 21st century, genetic engineered seeds. These genetic engineered seeds, also known as GE seeds, have hit the agriculture scene in a huge way. Promising farmers with incentives such as larger, stronger, and flavorsome crops, while also providing resistance from natural pests. To the common business man or farmer, it might be seen as a great deal with no negative effects. However this is not the case. Many health agencies and even international countries have filed evidence against these GE seed producing companies, citing that the seeds not only hurt the environment, but also damage the human body ingesting the crops. Monsanto's seeds have been linked to bi-products such as genetically modified growth hormones and pesticide-resistant "super weeds" which now plague most of the United States' abundant fertile soil. While some would find this frightening, the true horror actually resides from the human side effects from eating food containing Monsanto's products. These side effects include abnormal cellular growth (cancer) and organ failure. Unfortunately Monsanto and other GE seed created crops are not required to provide any labeling on the package recognizing itself. Monsanto even believes that genetically modified organisms (seeds) and specifically GE seeds are not harmful what so ever, stating that they do not believe it is necessary to provide a label when a product is not harmful. Apparently to this company, cancer and organ failure caused by their products are not harmful, but rather should be compared to protein or fiber on the nutritional label.

1 comment:

  1. Do you realize that we were supposed to never be able (as a planet) to sustain the population as it stands today. We have reached nearly 7 billion people and will coninue to increase exponentially throughout the rest of this century. There must be a food supply to sustain us all, and it seems that GM seeds, in spite of the concerns that have been presented against them, are part of the reason that much of the world is alive today.
