Thursday, June 24, 2010

How do I Handle Opposition??

After living in this world for more than 18 years, I have had my fair share of oppositions. From conflicts arising from friends, athletics, and academics to dealing with family issues such as divorce, I have faced life's harsh realities. There was, unfortunately, one negativism that truly stands out from the stress of normal life. At the age of 4, I had a peculiar problem regarding my speech. I could not pronunciate specific sounds between the Rs and Ws. Doctors believe it had to do with my ears being clogged with nasal mucus before I had tube surgery to correct it, which deafened my hearing of certain sounds. This disability caused create emotional harm to me as teachers would tell my parents that I may of had dyslexia and I responded to it as "[they thought I was] too stupid to achieve something" (Brooks). "My fury was not going to be acknowledge" so I worked to fix it (Lorde).I ultimately battled against my speech impediment taking speech classes and other procedures. Now today my speech is not a problem, however I still remember how I fought against this debilitating condition and won.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Isolationism in America

Isolationism, although impractical in modern times, has ideas that could be used to better ourselves today. The United States best exemplifies how Isolationism could be put back in place and used effectively in government. Throughout our history, we have been on our own to fend for ourselves both economically and politically. It helps that we were blessed with resources that many countries do not have to support ourselves and located between many natural defenses such as the oceans. It could be suggested that the United States is in the perfect location for Isolationism. Sadly, in the past one hundred years we have slowly slipped away from this policy. Now we carry ourselves as interventionists(a country that wants to intervene and police the world) and despite our abundant natural resources, we squander it away for foreign products. This could all change if the United States government went back to its previous ways. Issues that involve government such as energy, pollution, and most importantly foreign policy would be amended to suit us better as a whole. Ultimately, we must look at all the options when it comes to how our government handles certain situations, so why not try to use isolation for once?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It is known that being skinny is much more attractive than being overweight in the world of film. Take for example Kristin Bell and Kristi Alley. Both are known actresses with multiple films under their belts, both have made millions of dollars, and both are universally known. However, both have had different careers based on part of their bodies.For instance, Kristin Bell is a beautiful woman that has been chosen yearly for top sexiest women lists as well as other awards. She uses her beauty and sex appeal to be marketable for films, advertisements, and other publications. Mean while Kristi Alley is now overly obese and although once a beautiful woman, today she has a non-marketable appearance. This comparison shows how shallow we are as a society but in the film industry as well as many other visual industries, it pays to be skinny.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is this the Adult section or First Class?

I think that American Airlines should be able to have the right to filter their WiFi from pornography. While critics would claim that it is against passengers rights, an airplane is not the place to watch it. What is difference between public indecency and public porn? The difference is that public indecency is against the law and public porn should be classified as the same. Thankfully for airline companies there is a precedent for public porn access. Internet cafe's and public libraries have been targets of people wanting to watch porn for their sexual pleasures. However, they solved this problem by switching to web filters to stop viewable porn. Where was the outcry against these institutions? As a company, American has the right to filter with WiFi and should without fearing any reprimands for their actions. So American when are you going to get this porn off my plane?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What farmers think of GE seeds

Blog 2

The American diet today is loved as well as it is hated. Consisting of processed foods, salts, and fats, America's diet is often criticized for the growing obesity trends that we are experiencing today. Our diets have been changing over time, as our eating habits follow the trends and changes within the American lifestyle. One example of this is the acceptance of women working outside the household. Before the 1960's, it was uncommon to see women in the workplace, but with the growing cost of living, housewives found themselves entering the work force. This absence within the home greatly affected the traditional family meal. The end result being that families turned to new outlets of quickly made food. Restaurants and other fast food companies, wanting to make the most money possible, began using cheap products to maximize profits. Ultimately, the American family began eating poorly nutritional meals. Americans are now realizing the consequences of what they have been eating. The damage has been done as 61% of the U.S. adult population are now overweight or diabetic. Just as the fast paced American lifestyle created the dietary and health crisis that we are facing now, hopefully Americans will adjust their lifestyle and with it their dietary habits.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Problem Solution Claim

Around the world, farmers are finding new ways to plant and innovate the agriculture industry. Today the Monsanto Company has created the "new toy" of such state of the art farming techniques; the most profitable farming product of the 21st century, genetic engineered seeds. These genetic engineered seeds, also known as GE seeds, have hit the agriculture scene in a huge way. Promising farmers with incentives such as larger, stronger, and flavorsome crops, while also providing resistance from natural pests. To the common business man or farmer, it might be seen as a great deal with no negative effects. However this is not the case. Many health agencies and even international countries have filed evidence against these GE seed producing companies, citing that the seeds not only hurt the environment, but also damage the human body ingesting the crops. Monsanto's seeds have been linked to bi-products such as genetically modified growth hormones and pesticide-resistant "super weeds" which now plague most of the United States' abundant fertile soil. While some would find this frightening, the true horror actually resides from the human side effects from eating food containing Monsanto's products. These side effects include abnormal cellular growth (cancer) and organ failure. Unfortunately Monsanto and other GE seed created crops are not required to provide any labeling on the package recognizing itself. Monsanto even believes that genetically modified organisms (seeds) and specifically GE seeds are not harmful what so ever, stating that they do not believe it is necessary to provide a label when a product is not harmful. Apparently to this company, cancer and organ failure caused by their products are not harmful, but rather should be compared to protein or fiber on the nutritional label.