Monday, July 12, 2010

Entropy and Bombs descriptions


Smell- "Milk to rot, my frozen vegetables decay", "warm and cold mixed into a lukewarm mess"
Sight- "My sons shoes were developing holes", "Wood rots, metal rusts, people wrinkle and flowers wither", "Worn out sidewalks and torn down buildings", "Saw a egg unscramble itself and jump back into itself", "windows were leaking every time it rained", "the avalanche of disorders"
Hearing- "my refrigerator conked out", "uneven vibrations screeched through the house"

Bombs Bursting in Air-

Sight- "Dressed in her blue princess costume", "sweet crooked grin, shot himself in the woods", "watched my teachers draw diagrams of saturn", "reveled in its sweetness"
Sound- "Sputters to life and summons are attention", "tinny voice rings out","pipe along, squeaking out","vibrant, laughing friend was great",
Touch- "Bumped her head sledding", "tremors from far-off explosions",

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shooting an Elephant-Description

Sight- "lying on his belly with arms crucified and head sharply twisted to one side" "He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old",
Smell- "The wretched prisoners huddled in the stinking cages of the lock ups"
Touch- "When a nimble Burman tripped me up", "I shoved the cartridges",
Hearing- "Insults hooted after me", "I had to think out my problems in utter silence", "sounds clear enough at a distance", "loud, scandalized cry", "Clicking their tongues and exclaiming", "The tortured gasps continued as steadily as the ticking of a clock"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to a Million Dollars the easy way!

Everybody once in their pitiful, poor lives has wanted to make a million dollars. While it might seem like a formidable task, when one thinks of the ways to make $1,000,000 it's quite easy. For example, begging a million people one dollar or a penny from a hundred million. It almost never works because the challenge of reaching that many people is just too great. However, that should not put you down! It is just a tad risky and not at all expensive to beg. It doesn't matter that you're only hoping for a dollar or a penny, it will eventually become $$$. Another way that could work today is actually making a million dollars the hard way. By getting an education, maybe even getting a masters degree in your field, and eventually working your way up the corporate ladder, you will most likely make a million dollars overtime. However, one must remember that taxes and weird circumstances may arise that will make you lose money, so it is imperative that you save, save, save! Overall, following either of these steps will hopefully help you find your wealth in millions. If you unfortunately fail, do not worry, it is really not that easy.